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Sniper Elite series is a collection of third-person shooter stealth video games and Exoncore offers its digital CD-keys at affordable rates for the Steam platform. The series is set in the events of World War II and the player plays the game in stealth mode. To complete the assigned missions such as assassinate targets, sabotage their installations, or eliminate their elite troops, the player must sneak through the opponent’s territory. He can also lure enemies into traps by using distractions such as dead bodies or sounds. Moreover, customize your loadout that comprises three weapons, some explosives, and medical packs. One of the best things about this series is the sniper ballistics. Distance and wind affect the bullet and each gun is also affected differently. An optional X-Ray Killcam feature makes things more interesting. The camera will follow the sniper bullet as it travels towards the target and the target will be shown in an X-Ray view as the bullet tears through the enemy’s bones and organs.