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Counter-Strike games are one of the most famous first-person shooter video games on a globallevel. The Counter-Strike collection contains its digital CD-keys that enable you to enjoy endlesshours of action-filled fun on Steam.In every Counter-Strike game, there are two opponent teams i.e., the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists. The Terrorists team performs the act of terror by planting bombs, guarding hostages,and assassinations. On the other hand, the Counter-Terrorists team attempts to prevent terrorismby defusing bombs and rescuing hostages. It is an objective-based game where each teamachieves victory after completing its objectives such as bombing a location or freeing hostages.At the end of the game individual players are rewarded with cash according to theirperformances. This cash is spent on upgrading weaponry for the next rounds. Just like cash isrewarded after completing objectives, penalties are also charged if a player kills his team player.