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Mafia is an action-adventure PC game that makes it players really step into the shoes of a taxi driver who has turned into a mobster now. The original Mafia video game was released back in 2002 when it was one of the first digital games to introduce an open-world environment. With its most recent sequel in 2020, the series has completed its trilogy, with the latest sequel praised to be the best in the series. The very realistic gameplay along with detailed interior and the exterior environment has made Mafia: Definitive Edition earn a straight 8/10 IGN rating. The whole trilogy is available on Exoncore’s online store for you at a discounted price. Get instant delivery of the Steam Game Key by purchasing the CD-Key. Get lifetime access to the CD-Key, all while sitting at the comfort of your home, globally.Start getting your gear ready and purchase the CD-key from our website right now.