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The Steam game keys for ‘Monster Hunter World’, its expansion ‘Monster Hunter World: Iceborne’, and the downloadable content are packed in one collection at Exoncore. Monster Hunter World is a role-playing action video game developed by Capcom. Think of yourself as a hunter whose job is to take part in heart-pounding battles to trap or kill vicious monsters in one of the various living, breathing habitats. Begin a quest to explore newly discovered habitats and learn more about the mysterious land. After defeating a monster, the player will be rewarded with loot containing valuable parts of that monster. These parts will come in handy to craft new armor and weapons with which you will slay even bigger beasts which will again reward you with new and better monster parts to craft more powerful gear. If the battle becomes too difficult to handle, send an SOS flare to call for up to three more hunters from the worldwide server to assist you in your quest.